Sunday, October 3, 2010

Changing the World in One Simple Step

Writer James Baldwin said, "The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you can alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change the world." That’s what I am constantly looking to do—to change the way I look at reality.
Let me tell you, and my husband will confirm this, I am not big on reality. I'm a Disney girl through and through. I like the happy ending against extraordinary odds. I like it when people have an experience and then go on to do something amazing. I am inspired by movies like “Remember the Titans” and “The Blind Side”. I want to be one of those people—someone who changes the world in a big way.
So, a couple of years ago I went through a social justice program at our church called "Just Faith". It was 30 weeks long and involved immersion trips into different Phoenix area communities. There were a few reasons I felt called to do it. One: I wanted to deepen my faith. Two: I wanted to connect with people in our community. And Three: I wanted to change the world.
Well, one and two definitely happened. It opened my eyes to my responsibility as a Christian (and citizen of the world) to do more than just offer charity. Yes, charity is critical, but I also must work for justice so that people everywhere can meet their basic needs and can enjoy the opportunity for success. Not just giving people what they need, but giving them the opportunity to meet their needs on their own.
I also connected with people at my church. Through our weekly meetings and our immersion experiences into different communities within our city, we prayed, we shared, we learned and we grew closer. Our journey together built a connection that will last.
But what about my third goal…did I change the world? I would love to tell you about all the great things I’ve done as a result of going through the Just Faith program. But I didn’t give $100 million to public schools. I didn’t go to a third-world country and start a micro-loan program. I didn’t even give up my job and start teaching in the inner-city. So, really…did I change the world?
As much as I want to change the world in a big way, the way the world changes is through small things. At home, my family stopped using plastic water bottles and I did start making micro-loans online through a service called Kiva. But, perhaps the biggest thing I did was to tell my Just Faith story to our church community. As a result, eight other people started the next Just Faith group. Now that group sells Just Coffee at our church after services. The proceeds of Just Coffee go to help farmers earn a livable wage and support themselves. My story encouraged eight people to take the step to change their lives and they are changing the lives of coffee farmers in far off countries. Each of their stories will change people as well. And so on. And so on.
One pebble tossed into the ocean seems like nothing. Often, we can’t see the ripple caused by our actions, but regardless of whether or not we see it—it is there. Learning about injustice in the world changed the way I see the world, the way I see people, the way I see the issues. It’s not just up to our president or other elected officials to change the world—it’s up to me. As Mother Theresa said, "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
So, I would encourage each of us to constantly look for ways to "alter, even by a millimeter," how we see reality. If each of us stopped defending our position for just a moment, and then listened, and honestly considered a different perspective, maybe--just maybe--we could understand one another. Just be aware that if you do decide to put aside your agenda, even for a moment, odds are you are going to change the world.
Some simple links to start changing the world:
Please feel free to share others!


  1. Wow, Dana, I love the Baldwin quote and your reflections on the Just Faith program. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by what just one person--little ole me--can do, and I forget the ripple effect. It's the same thing as the butterfly effect--how the beating of the wings of one butterfly has an effect on the whole world.

    Thank you for making a ripple in my day!

  2. Thanks for commenting, Diane! You are definitely already making ripples in my life :)
